
Archive for the ‘New President Legislating Eviol’ Category

Many of us immediately think of one person when we hear the poignant question, “What is truth?”: Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judea who “washed his hands” of the MAN, our Lord Jesus Christ, whom Pilate had declared as innocent. Politics!

In recent months I did a self-study of immersion into the Roman Empire from before Julius Caesar through the Emperor Constantine who changed the political environment of Rome regarding Christianity. In all of my reading, one thought kept surfacing in my mind: technology changes over the centuries but—apart the transformation which accompanies faith in Jesus Christ—human nature does not!

Politics are politics, whether the setting is Ancient Rome or 21st Century U.S.A. A Roman Emperor requested the assassination of individuals who threatened him or his agenda; our newly-elected President, Joe Biden, simply sits in the Oval Office—signing orders with a pen.

Obviously, at this point our government is not so brutal as the Roman Empire was—although outright persecution may come. From my reading I surmised that literal “heads” were significant in the Roman Empire. An Emperor would order an assassination somewhere in the realm, and whomever carried out the dastardly deed would return to Rome with the severed head of the victim: proof of mission accomplished.

Today the “assassinations” are carried out with words by news media which do not deserved the title of JOURNALISM—egregiously biased publications such as THE NEW YORK TIMES and THE WASHINGTON POST, and TV News Networks such as CNN. These news sources only report what the FAR LEFT EMPERORS and their minions decree.

So, WHAT IS TRUTH? God’s WORD, the Bible is TRUTH! The Lord Jesus Christ, God Incarnate is TRUTH. The Holy Trinity, God in Three Persons, is TRUTH.

Without going into the details of all the various policies which our new president is signing into law, two issues of supreme importance cannot be ignored. Joe Biden IS NOT PRO-LIFE. He is authorizing policies which promote abortions here and elsewhere around the world.*

The agenda of Joe Biden IS NOT MORAL. He is authorizing deleterious policies which promote legality, tolerance, and acceptance of immoral sexual and gender issues.

God’s Word irrevocably proclaims the sanctity of human life. Killing unborn children is MURDER. PERIOD! Marriage is a sanctified union between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN. God created man and woman. He did NOT give permission, or ever intend, for a person to change his or her gender.

In no uncertain terms, I denounce what happened in D.C. on January 6th. President Trump should never have held a rally in Washington on that day. Indeed January 6th, 2021 was a “day of infamy”. Meanwhile, I truly believe that President Trump did not intend for those events to occur; and those events do not in any way obscure the good he did for our nation. Trump is PR0-LIFE, and his policies protected our freedom to worship and obey our Lord—the Author of our Bible.

I have been horrified by what I have read of Qanon’s disgusting conspiracy theories and their projected “military coup”. And I have been especially horrified over the lootings, murders, and massive destruction of property by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in some of our nation’s cities for months—while grossly ignored by THE NEW YORK TIMES and other media of their ilk.

As an Evangelical Protestant Christian Believer, I have been blown away with admiration for the American Roman Catholic Bishops who have spoken out boldly against the policies of President Joe Biden. Without mincing words, these clerics have warned America that our new leaders do not regard the sanctity of the unborn babies’ lives—and our new leaders will promote (already are promoting) immorality and sins against Almighty God!

WHAT IS TRUTH? Those of us in the USA and around the world who know the answer to that question—the TRUTH of Holy Scripture—MUST speak out at every possible opportunity. And those of us with any possible avenue of peaceful public action MUST act! If our present national scene continues unchecked, the day may come when severed heads will replace biased and agenda-driven words! The Ancient Roman Empire revisited.

And above all, PRAY! Only God can heal our nation and set us back on a righteous path. Only God can heal our land through a return to His Word—preached, believed, and applied with our hearts, minds, and deeds. God is TRUTH!

Margaret L. Been — January 30th, 2021 — updated 2/1/21

NOTE: *Abortion IS NOT Health Care!

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